White House Scales Back Refugee Ban, 01292017
If Court Pick is Blocked, Trump Advises Senate to 'Go Nuclear', 02012017
Yemen Forbids U.S. Ground Missels After Flawed Raid, 02082017
Trump Aides Had Contact With Russian Intelligence, 02152017
President Wants Ally To Review U.S. Spy Agencies, 02162017
Trump Defends 'Fine-Tuned Machine' in 77 Chaotic Minutes, 02172017
Trump Details Plans to Deport Millions of Immigrants, 02212017
Trump To Undo Protections for Transgender Students, 02222017
Banan Tries To Rally Uneasy Conservatives Behing Trump, 02242017
Trump To Seek Spending Spike For Military + Cuts Elsewhere, 02272017
Thirty Eight Days - 2017 (2019)
During the first 100 days of the Trump presidency I attempted to take a photograph every morning. I would only then allow myself to read the news. Each photograph is titled with the date and NY Times headline from each image's particular moment.